Almería, 10 y 11 de febrero de 2023 Programa provisional Viernes 10 de febrero del 2023 16:30. Re...
Imparte: María Bretones e Inés María Inscripción Previa Whatsapp: 687 53 17 15 Viernes 9 de...
The pressure is on for retail organizations—expected to create curated omnichannel experiences for demanding customers while optimizing financial performance. We get it.
We help department stores maximize customer service and profits and meet changing demands amid increased competition.
We help optimize merchandising, increase supply chain efficiencies, generate product mix forecasts for better retention.
We help optimize prices, fine tune inventory planning, and deploy next generation POS systems to enhance the customer experience.
We help specialty retailers embrace the future of shopping by delivering concepts and solutions for in-store selling through
GLB’s Retail practice helps retailers turn today’s pain points into new business opportunities.
Rely on our experience to help you adopt the omnichannel capabilities that are right for your brand.
Almería, 10 y 11 de febrero de 2023 Programa provisional Viernes 10 de febrero del 2023 16:30. Re...
Imparte: María Bretones e Inés María Inscripción Previa Whatsapp: 687 53 17 15 Viernes 9 de...
Our team re-engineered the Web site to make full use of next-generation solutions, including a J2EE-based architecture. The e-commerce application runs on IBM WebSphere and interacts with JDA for order management and fulfillment.